Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 6 Dq

Module 6 DQ

Q After reading the Professor's Notes 6.3, Test Modifications, and 6.3.1, Test Modifications Allowed and Disallowed, discuss online with your small group the different types of test modifications that you feel are appropriate and/or inappropriate for your vocational education class and why. Once your small group has had its discussion, each group's **recorder will submit a summary explaining the group's discussions. Test modification

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Hello class and professor, This time, I am late in providing my response. After pursuing a bit of research, I have understood that test modifications for serving students with special educational needs are required for presentation accommodations, response accommodations, setting accommodations, and timing accommodations, scheduling accommodations, organizations skills accommodations, assignment modifications and most significantly for curriculum modifications. In case of private schools, it is to say that due to the opportunity to have abundance of resources, it is easier to timely implement the modification than the public ones.